Sunday, January 17, 2010

Pity Party in Progress

Today's picture isn't very inspired...but it's representative of my loneliness. The dogs aren't here yet (stupid Air Canada holiday pet embargo!) and now Dave's gone too. The house is very empty and quiet. With any luck, the monsters will be here this weekend...but Dave's return is still TBD. :(

I had to turn on all the lights and bump the ISO up to 1600 (i.e. max!) to get this shot...hmm, maybe I need a new camera body? Ha.

Deets: f2.8, 38mm, 1/50, ISO 1600


  1. awee :( I'll come visit with my two little monsters! hehe

    Next time try switching your white balance to Florescent. Due to the lights it's not as white as it could be. :0) You could also open it up after the fact in Photoshop ACR and adjust it there. PM me if what I just said sounded greek! hehe

    For 1600 ISO the grain/noise does not seem bad at all! And I still love the end table/dog home.

  2. Yes, white balance...sometimes I find it hard to tell if it's okay on the little screen.

    I never got around to buying PS...although I *maybe* have a pirated version. I'm just scared to use it because it is big and scary and not intuitive at all. I'm not sure how to learn it, since I can't find any classes here?

  3. The Scott Kelby books are a good place to start. He has one Photoshop (insert version here CS3/4 etc) for Digital photographers that is good. I have the CS3 book and liked it.

    My personal preference is to leave the W/B to auto and then adjust it in PS through the colour balance or open it in PS ACR and adjust it via the Temperature slider. :0)

  4. oh and you can check out She has a tab for 'photography' and she has tips/tricks for PS in that section of her blog. :0)



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