I'm falling back into the trap of only taking photos of the dogs. I was at work most of the day and only when I had the dogs out running around in the yard did I think of my camera. Too late then...too much effort to wrangle them back inside (they're not trustworthy and we haven't doggie proofed the yard yet), get the camera and the get them back out. This was the first time they'd seen the main part of the yard and Roxy did a beeline to the pool and dived in, only then to realize that was a bad idea...however, it's been confirmed that she can swim! Anyway, here she is after a long day of sleeping and diving. (Excuse the nails...they are in bad shape but cutting them is a two person, minimum, job and I'm a man short!)
Deets: f2.8, 1/100, ISO1600
Love the composition!